Conversifi | Connecting the World in Conversation

Connecting University Students around the World in Conversation

Currently available in Spanish, French, English, Portuguese and American Sign Language

“Honestly, my students may not remember much Spanish years from now, but I know they’ll remember talking to people from other countries and that’s just fine with me.”

What is Conversifi?

Conversifi connects university language learners with native-speaking peers for authentic conversations over video chat. Language instructors can easily select and assign discussion topics from our list of hundreds of conversation guides, which map to textbooks and OER materials and keep sessions at the right level.

Conversifi is language immersion on-demmand

How Does Conversifi Work?

Conversation guides on interesting and relevant topics keep sessions at the right level and map to popular language learning tools like textbooks and apps.

After each lesson, learners and coaches exchange helpful, personalized feedback. Sessions are recorded so learners can review their progress and your oral assessment becomes easier.

Over 100 universities use Conversifi!


Instructors would recommend Conversifi to their colleagues

“Students sign up for my course because they know I use Conversifi and they love it.”


Of instructors say Conversifi meets their students at their level

“It adds authenticity to a textbook course.”


Of students report the added benefit of improved confidence

“Just speak, I tell my students, and connect with another human. Figure it out. No stress. And have fun.”


Sessions in our most popular package

“The opportunity ... is priceless. Not only is there an exchange of language, but also of culture.”

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